Our new nature garden

The wait is over

Here is our newly developed nature garden….. we hope you will agree this is worlds apart from what it was before

In this area the children will:
🌱learn about the different species of plants and what those plants need to help them grow.
🌱They will also get to learn about the different seasons, weather and the affects they have on the plants.
🌱 It will offer an opportunity to learn about different shapes and colours, and different animals and insects the children might come across.
🌱 The children will develop their senses as they feel the texture of soil, seeds, flowers, petals and smell all the amazing flower scents and see all the colourful petals.
🌱 Growing any sort of plant or vegetable from the seedling or bulb stage requires daily attention and care. The Children will quickly learn they get out what they put in. If the plants aren’t regularly watered and taken care of, they won’t flourish.
🌱Gardening is such a great way to teach children about responsibility, but, it is no overnight process. The children will learn to be patient when waiting for their flowers and vegetables to grow from a small plant or seed.
🌱 Engaging children in growing their own vegetables will hopefully gain a keen interest in eating them too.
🌱 Children will learn to work together, they already work in pairs and call themselves “a team” and will enjoy discussing the different types of flower, and the process they have carried out to plant their seeds.
🌱The anticipation of waiting for whose flower will shoot through the soil first will encourage children to interact and engage – we already have a few competitive children eagerly watching their sunflowers which have started to grow from a seed this week.
🌱We will also be releasing our butterflies into this area – the children are hoping they might stay for a while or even come back to visit it they have some beautiful flowers to land upon.

The children have already begun using the nature area alongside an adult – we will share some photos of them using the area over the next few days, it has definitely become a favourite area.

Huge thank you to Brian Horner (one of our wonderful families) and Harriet at Fields Garden Centre for organising a wonderful delivery of plants for us on Monday – the children have spent the week carefully re potting the tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and strawberries.

Another huge thank you to Mr and Mrs EJ for the big bag of different seeds, some have been used here and some at the allotment.

We also can’t forget Dawn’s husband Dave, he builds a lot of the outdoor equipment we have at nursery and he added to our nature area by building a stand for our Belfast sink as well as moving it into place!! He doesn’t know this but he is some of our children’s favourite superhero…. if something breaks the children automatically tell us “Dawn’s Dave will fix it”
Thank you Dave 🌟


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